Fractional Geometry Technology
A specialized geometry for self-cleaning and efficient energy transfer during material compounding, ensuring precise control over sensitive carbon molecules and key ingredients.
Microgenic Technology
Micro alloying elements, based on microstructure analysis in steels and superalloys, create metals with enhanced edge strength, toughness, and resistance to wear and corrosion.
Intelligent Compounding Technology
This technology manages large input variations, ensuring consistent, qualified outputs with built-in intelligence. It’s highly adaptable for bio-based or waste material applications.
Particle Engineering Technology
This technology enables formation of modified particles with special characteristics through interaction of particles with surfaces, liquids and other substances.
Nano Compounding Technology
Innovations like Nano-clay, Graphene, and Carbon Nano Tubes enhance material properties. Our scalable, stable Nano Compounding process creates novel materials with superior qualities.
Partial Fusion Technology
This is to modify and functionalize the structure and properties of materials with controlled melt fusion or acid-base reactions. Effervescent tablets can be created with ease and at right dosage levels.
Continuous Granulation
A streamlined process for producing uniform, right sized, high quality granules improving efficiency and consistency in Pharmaceutical and food ingredients manufacturing.
Bio-Availability Enhancement Technology
PureMelt transforms the drug substance to be more soluble or more permeable as a result of interaction with other ingredients in a controlled manner that results in least degradation or side reactions.
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